The founder, Enrico Vallania, carried the business on for forty years. After that, two young boys took over. Giulio and Enrico first became friends and then business partners, throwing themselves along into Terre Rosse Vallania.
PERDITEMPO The Lands of the Perditempo (Time Wasters) are a checkerboard of red and white wines,including Sauvignon, Pignoletto, Cabernet, Chardonnay, and Merlot.
PIGNOLETTO Enrico consider this wine as a great opportunity to identify with. As the wine has changed throughout time, also winery is not the same as it was yesterday. Terre Rosse Vallania and its Pignoletto are constantly evolving. Pignoletto is historically a difficult grape variety because of its fast ripening, great territorial competition and the way these lands view it.